If you need to cancel, please contact us by 5PM the day before your scheduled service, or you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. Anything after 12AM is considered same day cancellation and will result in 100% cancellation fee. This policy allows us to provide services to other customers on our standby list or those requiring emergency services.
If we do not receive notification and we show up at your home, you will be charged a full 100% cancellation fee.
Cancellations due to weather conditions do not incur cancellation fees. All non-essential services will be suspended if a state of emergency is implemented. Snowstorms causing school cancellations and severe flooding are considered extreme weather conditions
Lightning, heavy rainfall and snowstorms may interfere with services and/or cause a delay. Your dog’s safety and well-being are our primary concern and you will be notified if any schedule changes are necessary.
If you need to cancel, please contact us by 5PM the day before your scheduled service, or you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. Anything after 12AM is considered same day cancellation and will result in 100% cancellation fee. This policy allows us to provide services to other customers on our standby list or those requiring emergency services.
If we do not receive notification and we show up at your home, you will be charged a full 100% cancellation fee.
Cancellations due to weather conditions do not incur cancellation fees. All non-essential services will be suspended if a state of emergency is implemented. Snowstorms causing school cancellations and severe flooding are considered extreme weather conditions
Lightning, heavy rainfall and snowstorms may interfere with services and/or cause a delay. Your dog’s safety and well-being are our primary concern and you will be notified if any schedule changes are necessary.